
ImageXpress微共聚焦 High-Content Imaging System

Leszek Kotula, m.s.D., Ph.D., 315-464-1690, (电子邮件保护)

This versatile imaging system features a unique confocal technology, 哪个能让你从生理上进行更多的探索, 有关, 复杂三维模型, 包括球状体, 组织, and whole organisms and to generate publication quality images at high throughput for samples in slides or one to 1536‑well microplates. The key feature of the device is on board robotic fluidic head, including the following specifications: automated liquid handling for compound/media addition; ability to perform well 洗ing using disposable pipette tips; add, 洗, and dispense into user configurable patterns; fully customized workflow through scripting; single-channel pipettor with dispense volumes from 3 µL to 200 µL (±1 µL ±5%); supports 96- or 384-well format pipette tips; holds two temperature-controlled plates for compound addition or media exchange; 3D analysis tools are integrated into acquisition and analysis software and are able to measure volumes, 直径, 以及三维空间中的距离. In addition, software runs on 8 parallel processors for fast, multi-threaded analysis.



  • Select a confocal geometry optimal for your assay and throughput needs
  • Achieve excellent image quality without sacrificing throughput via our unique optical path technology
  • Acquire statistically 有关 data quickly with an advanced scientific CMOS detector, enabling >3 log dynamic range
  • 大视场可实现全井成像
  • Expand your research capabilities with transmitted light, liquid handling, and environmental options
  • Capture an entire well of a 384‑well plate with a single image at 4X magnification
  • Capture four wells of a 1536- well plate in a single image at 4X magnification
  • Throughput of >160K wells/day confocal, >200K wells/day widefield 2 ImageXpress


The ImageXpress Micro confocal is open to all investigators in the University, we have to enforce some rules to insure every investigator has equal access to our equipments:

  1. All users must be trained before they are allowed to use the microscopes. After training, an account will be set up for reserving time and using the microscope.
  2. All users must sign up on the online calendar to reserve time before use of the microscopes.
  3. 预订政策:
    1. 请不要提前2周以上预订
    2. 预约时间可分为两类:
      • 正常工作时段(星期一至五上午八时至下午五时)
      • Off-hour slots (weekend and weekdays before 8am or after 5pm).
      • During a regular working slot one user can reserve an instrument for max 4 hours per day and 8 hours per week; however this can be combined with an off-hour slot where the reservation is not limited.
    3. If you are unable to use the microscope that you have reserved, Please delete your reserved time on the calendar as far ahead as possible so others can see the time is available.
    4. If you finished before the end of your reserved time or cancel on the day of your reserved session, please inform the next or previous person in line so that he/she can start earlier or continue longer. If you are the last user of the day and you cancel your reserve within 24 hours, you are responsible for ensuring the microscope is turned off. Make sure to inform the user before you to shut down the system after finish, 否则他可能会把显微镜留给你. 
  4. 使用显微镜:
    1. 请准时开始上课. 重复“不出席”将失去他们的注册特权.
    2. Please check the online booking calendar at the end of your session to facilitate last minute changes and scheduling updates. Leave the system on if someone is reserved next within two hours; keep the laser in standby whenever possible to prolong their life.
    3. Users must clean the microscope objectives they used and dispose of garbage when finish. If you bring any live specimens or potentially harmful samples, please dispose of them in your lab.
    4. The last user of the evening is responsible for shutting down the microscope system.
  5. 你要对你的数据负责. 系统计算机用于临时图像存储. Please save your data on the data hard drive of the computer and transfer your image data as soon as possible after acquisition. Image files left on the computer hard drives will be removed in a period of time.
  6. Users are required to report any problems or damages during usage of the microscope.
  7. 显微镜室不允许携带食物或饮料.


  • 计费时间是根据你的电脑下线计算的. 记得注销以结束计费会话.
  • All users must record system usage on the paper log at each microscope.
  • 最低收费时间为1小时
  • Each imaging session will be billed by the larger of either the time reserved or hours used in 1 hr increments (i.e.(所有时间四舍五入到一小时)
  • Technical support is billed in 1 min increments and added to the cost/hr for the usage
  • The annual power user fee has been replaced by the quarterly discount. 现在对激光的使用成本有季度上限. 其他费用(培训), technical support etc) are billed in addition to laser use and are not discounted.

If you fail to show up for time you have scheduled on the calendar, 您将按预定的时间收费.

Removal (cancellation) or modification of time scheduled on the calendar must be done at least 24 hr before the time you were scheduled for or you will be billed for the amount of time originally scheduled. (Note the calendar keeps electronic record of all entries and modifications).




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